Monday, September 10, 2012

Tools for Making Modified Block a Success: Group Roles

As our modified block schedule approaches, there have been a number of conversations and some professional development going on to help make teachers successful in their transition to a longer block. Some think of the new schedule as an opportunity to get the students more active in their learning through project and inquiry based learning. Summer sent this list of group roles out via email and asked that they be posted to the blog. 

Of course the roles are flexible and allow for teacher modification, depending on the planned activity. 

If you have other tools that will help others add to the teacher tool belt, please share!

Group Roles

Facilitator: enforces groups roles; leads discussion.
Time Keeper: keeps group on-track; gives time warnings; makes sure time is not being wasted.
Recorder: writes and proof-reads all information.
Runner: asks questions of teacher; picks up assignment and turns in assignments. 
Reporter: reports out to the class during the discussion.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Kicking Up Some Rigor

It's no secret that our school has accomplished a great deal is the past few years. The overall learning environment has improved, teaching has grown by leaps and bounds, and students are really ramping up their academic achievement. This year's focus on rigor and higher level thinking is well-timed, as we have both the right mix of dedicated students and teachers to make this a rich experience for all involved. Arthur Costa's article "The Thought-Filled Curriculum" seems like an appropriate read to kick the year off and start some dialogue. If you don't have your copy from PD, you can read it here. If you have questions, comments, or insights about the article or our discussion in school,  please post responses.